Monday, May 31, 2010

Jealous Rage

A jealous rage tore through her and Myrna stormed across the restaurant bar. Her victim, a young blond woman with perfect lips and angelic features, sat across from Jacob. The man whom she thought she would marry.

Myrna grabbed a wine glass off the table closest to her, never yielding from her destination. She was two tables away from them when the woman looked up with a smile and saw her. The woman raised a curious brow and turned her attention back to him.

Myrna halted momentarily. Did she know who she was? It appeared not. Maybe she just didn't recognize her. She marched up to their table and slammed the wine glass on the corner. The young blond shrieked while shards of glass flew in every direction. Jacob stood up, a furious expression crossed his face.

"What is this," he yelled.
"What does it look like," Myrna screamed pointing the broken glass at his chest.
Three of the wait staff had joined them and everyone had their attention on the brewing fight.
"I have spent many nights wondering just what it is you are doing. And then I followed you here," Myrna yelled. Tears began to sting her eyes.
"What? Are you stalking me?"
Jacob looked from Myrna to the young woman across from him. Her eyes were wide with fright.
"Don't look at that hussie. You keep your eyes on me," she screamed.
He looked back at Myrna. "What do you want?"
"That's a foolish question," she said breaking down. When she relaxed slightly, the lanky waiter put his arms around her tightly. She screamed, struggling in his arms and he squeezed tighter. Jacob reached for the broken glass and pried it out of her hand. The three waiters surrounded her and walked her towards the door.
Jacob watched as the police arrived and cuffed her. He walked over to the door, leaving the blond gawking, and met eyes with Myrna as they helped her into the squad car.
"Sir, I need to ask you some questions," a short stout policeman said sternly.
"No problem," he said with a shrug. Jacob looked back at his date and sighed. "First let me take care of my bill." He walked over to the table where the young blond's mouth puckered up and tears filled her eyes.
"I have to answer a few questions. Would you like me to call a cab?"
"No. I can manage on my own," she said, standing and strode passed him, flipping her hair off her shoulder.
"I guess I won't be seeing her again," he smiled at the officer standing next to him.
"Doesn't look like it," he said smiling back. "Are you ready to head to the club with us?"
"Yes. How's Myrna?"
"Angry. I told you not to take her out," the officer laughed.
"Yes James, I've learned my lesson," Jacob laughed. "Let's get out of here."

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