Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Constant Panic

Have you ever woke up and worried about a nightmare that you had the night before?
A cold sweat makes you shiver. You bury your face in your hands and cry, a panic has taken over. The constant fear of that dream coming true, makes you pay attention to every thing that stands out in your day. The possibility of it coming true seems more likely than not...

I had a dream about two years ago, that still has me in a panic. I keep wondering at what point it will become reality, though I pray it never does. But there are some things in my current situation that make it seem possible to happen.

I have always believed in my dreams and nightmares, because they frequently come to life. My nightmares are the ones that recur most often and I fear that I will always be scarred of this panic. It would never be a relief for it to ring true. It would be a blessing that it fades out of my mind and never resurfaces.

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