Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Opening the door

Why is it when you walk out the door, that's when you get what you thought you wanted?

OMG! or Oh my gosh! Unbelievable...
So I ask him why I'm not good enough to marry and he says... I just don't believe in it. Hmm... That is absolutely crazy. What I hear is that I am not worth believing in. Wow! Talk about a low blow. Ah, anyway, so understanding this I decide after all these years it just might be the right time to find the door, oh the front door. So I fumble with the lock and pulling when I should be pushing, because the door is broken. I'm serious! and that's not a sign... I can tell you about signs, but that's not what I'm wanting to talk about right now. Okay, back to this story. So I finally figure out how to open the door and guess what! He believes in me. Oh wait... He thinks he does. Truly, he just doesn't want to lose the cook, the maid, the lawn girl, the secretary and the accountant. Oh and the taxi! How could I forget that! So now knowing that I am too lazy to do all these things, I walk... nooo I run out the door as fast as I can.
Whew... could you imagine what would be next?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Texting Nightmare!

How crazy can this be!

You know how drunk texting works... well the other night I found myself in a texting nightmare! Definition: falling asleep and texting.
I never fall asleep before one a.m. and now I understand why...

It's close to midnight and I'm nodding off. I sit the book I am reading beside me and close my eyes, expecting to rest them nothing more. Next thing I know I'm jumping up grabbing my cellphone scrolling through the last texts I sent. Whew... I didn't send a thing. Or did I and erase it. Hmm...

What a dream... a goodlooking guy getting a very... provocative text from me. Poor guy!
Last thing I need is to start texting while I'm sleeping!

Guess I should add that I don't even have this gorgeous guy's number!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Define: Whimsical

Adj.1.whimsical - determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason