Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Marriage of Convenience

I never imagined that I would be writing this. I feel that telling the world that I am okay with the marriage of a man and woman who are twenty-five years apart is a bunch of bull. My opinion of course.
If the woman was at least in her mid to late twenties I could except it. But she is not. She is just a child. Though she would argue that point because of a rough life she had. Well, deary. I had a rough one that caused me to grow up fast too. But when I woke up, I realized that I had made a mistake in my choices. I am in my mid-thirties and I know for a fact that I thought I was an adult too. I thought I knew everything. But I knew jack.

And why would a man want a young girl who is naive to the world? I will tell why. He can raise her to be who he wants her to be. He most likely loves her carefree lifestyle too. She's also a great babysitter and a designated driver.

Once again this is the opinion of a woman scorned. A woman who was in the same situation not that long ago. A woman who woke up and found her place in life and now lives carefree and independently as she always dreamed she would when she moved away from home.

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