Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 2

Where do I start... oh yeah. I am awake, but barely. It seems sleep comes so easy these cold winter days. Once my toes touch the cold ceramic tile, I shiver. If I could just run back to bed. Why do I wake myself at such an early hour? The coffee is brewing and my mind is groggy yet searching for ideas. At least my fingers are typing away...

There was nothing out of the ordinary yesterday. Nothing to get jazzed about. But then I remembered something unnatural about their stares. Why did they stare at me so? I only smiled and continued my routine. Their greetings were strange as well. I didn't think about that until now. They never reached out to me the way they had yesterday. Did they find out? How? Nobody is supposed to know. Will they confront me? What will they do? What will I do? I pray that they know nothing. I pray it is just my imagination.

Time is short. I better get ready and back in uniform. I cannot act suspicious or I may not write another word. Okay. Here I go...

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