Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The First Fishing Trip

Taking the children fishing for the first time turned out to be more adventurous than I thought it would be. It was down right exhausting even with two adults working together to handle their needs. It was a constant battle back and forth to keep everything in order. As soon as the worm was on one hook, it was time to bait the next. Teaching them how to cast carefully was another part. As soon as one line hit the water, there was a bite. The shrill moment of catching a perch that fit a palm, lasted for a second. The second child casts, but gets their line stuck in the tree. While the perch is being released back into the water, the line is released from the tree. And then time to bait the poles again. The children were separated, one on each side of us, so that they didn't cross lines as they cast out into the lake. Another bite for one child and a little grumbling from the other child who has only caught a tree. After a few minutes he gets a bite! He's so excited that he flings his line out of the water, hooking the fish good. He listens as I teach him how to reel the line in with his perch dangling at the end of it. At least now they have both caught a cute little perch too small to eat.

After awhile things simmered down and my husband's line finally touched the water. It didn't last long before the children grew hungry and bored. They ate their chicken and played in the dirt, forgetting all about fishing. We packed up as they grew restless and headed home. After our three-hour-adventure, they were exhausted and happy and begged to go fishing again the next weekend!

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