Saturday, April 16, 2011

Vocation In Life

Have you ever wondered how things change throughout your life? What made you want to have a child or why you chose the job you have?

Seven years ago, I was wrapped up in business affairs with no intentions of having children. My lifestyle just didn't offer opportunity for children, or so I believed. There weren't enough hours in the day to accomplish my work, let alone children with schedules that needed to be followed.

Then one evening when I drifted off into a deep sleep, I dreamed of a little boy laughing, running towards the cabin with a fishing pole in hand. He ran into my arms and hugged me tight. I saw his precious smiling face and I knew he was mine. When I woke, I felt an incredible warmth run through my entire body. My heart felt as if it could burst with love and joy. Then I realized it was just a dream. I longed for that little boy in my dreams.

Within two years, I had a baby boy. From the moment I looked into his grayish blue eyes, work had never been first priority. He was. I wanted him to have a mother who was home to take care of him. Luckily, I was able to stay home with him. I never missed a single moment of his growing life.

When he went to preschool, I helped in his classroom. I did my best to stay away and get house chores done while he was in preschool. When he began all day Kindergarten, I volunteered to be the room parent. It wasn't enough. I now have a job at the elementary school and I volunteer in his classroom three times a week in the afternoon. Now my love had grown deeper. It wasn't just my son that I kept me at the school. It was the all the children and the teachers.

The children are so impressionable at that age that I love helping anytime I can. Now I'm going back to school to become a substitute teacher and eventually have my own classroom. I feel that I could help guide children to a bright and successful future. I long to teach these youngsters and praise them every chance I get. I love to encourage them to be the very best they can be because I believe in them.

I went from a business minded woman who didn't want anything less than a successful company; to a mother who couldn't imagine life without her child; to a mother who wants to make a difference in as many children's future by becoming a teacher.
I believe that I have finally found my vocation in life.

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