Friday, March 1, 2013

It seems an eternity that I sat near the warm blazing fire all snuggled in the recliner with a notebook and pencil to occupy my evening writing about whatever came to mind...

I throw a piece of pinion wood into the dancing flames and watch the log ignite quickly. The campfire smell floods me with memories of the summer eve's I spent with family and friends. Many times we sat talking about anything that popped into our minds as we roasted marshmallows and slightly burned hot dogs. Laughter was contagious as it filled the air around us. No cares in the world; no place you had to be. Just sitting here relaxing with the warmth of the fire and good company.

Ghost stories were told as long as little ears didn't pop out as they were spoken. But most nights, it's conversation about life's adventures until we retire to the tents for a sleepless night and wake up early in the morning with the settled dew.

It has been years since I embarked on an adventurous camping trip and my mouth waters for those marshmallows as much as I yearn to snuggle into my husband's arms around the campfire, talking about the journey we have begun and where we are headed. Laughing as we look back on where we began only two and a half years ago.

Snuggling in front of the warm fire keeps me in deep thoughts, reminiscing on where I've been, dreaming of the future, yet living fully for today.

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