Saturday, February 16, 2013

The day started off horrible. I woke up late and rushed into the bathroom to take a shower. My favorite conditioner had run out so I had to use one that left my hair feeling greasy and limp. I tried to slip into my jeans but they were too tight. I tried on three other pairs before I gave in and wore the loosest of the tight jeans I had. The shirts I had made me feel and look lumpy. Never mind curling my hair or putting on makeup because it was just one of those days. And yet it was Valentine's Day.

I remembered my husband's words that morning as I wished him a happy Valentine's Day on his way out the door. 

I thought we were celebrating tomorrow.

All I said was Happy Valentine's Day. I knew we weren't doing anything special. It was his night with his daughter. But still, I hoped he would be jolly and tell me something sweet on his way out. But that didn't happen. Even my son woke up grumpy. What a way to start the day.

We made it out the door a couple minutes behind schedule but thankfully we made it. The weather matched my mood with a hint of gloom. But today, I knew the sun would come out and I chose to shine as well.

It was almost lunchtime when I was told to go into the office. I panicked wondering if my son was in trouble or that something else was wrong. When I walked into the office, the secretary smiled and looked at a beautiful bouquet mixed red roses and calla lilies with a card leaning against with my name on it.

"That's yours," she said sweetly.

My first instinct was shock and then I felt a huge relief and wanted to cry (happy tears). Instead, I smiled and giggled. As I left the office, I read the first two lines of the card on my way back to the classroom and had to stop as tears stung my eyes. The card was more beautiful than the flowers ever could be. I didn't expect anything from him nor would I ever. He didn't forget me on this special day not that I thought he ever would.

All I needed was a simple I love you and a kiss on the cheek to make my day and he went above and beyond as always., making a horrible day turn into a wonderful day full of sunshine.

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