Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Weekend Getaway

What a great idea! Let's get nine friends and whisk them away to a log cabin just outside a town with a population of 400 or less. A beautiful cabin sitting on a man made lake, surrounded by a forest filled with trees and shrubs on one side and an open range for horses to roam on the other. As I walked around the land, I saw a rope hanging from a tree over the lake. I chuckle a bit, what memories that rope must have made. Maybe I'll just add to it! Not far from that there was a rickety old bridge, which was breaking on one side. Turning to my left I saw what looked like a tree house, or maybe a place to hide while hunting quail. I climbed up in it, Oh what a view. There were horses, three to be exact, an old outhouse, and a cute little bunk house that matched the log cabin. I could go on and tell you all the amenities in that cabin, but then I'd never make it to the friendship I endured. It is breathtaking inside and out. Completely made of pine and mexican type tiles. If I could buy the place, I would in a heartbeat.

As soon as we arrived, we had a hard time opening the door. Funny enough, it was already unlocked. A few pictures later we ran for the rooms throwing our belongings on the beds of our choice. I truely felt selfish picking the room on the upper level, but I couldn't help it, the room was astounding. After unloading our belongings, we rushed for the kitchen. Getting out the booze and cooking up some pizzas, making some snacks and chatting continuously over each other.

Several of us wanted to venture out on a walk and take fun pictures, that I can't wait to see. We stopped to see the horses and I wished I could go riding. I have been on a horse a couple of times, riding bareback, and wanted to saddle one up and roam through the open range. We checked out the bunk house, which was absolutely adorable, and headed back in for more food and conversation. Two brave souls jumped into the lake, it was bitter cold, yet cheered them on. We decided to play a game and had a blast. Then the game changed into maybe something a little too daring, the game I never. Of course there's that saying, what happens here, stays here. I will honor that code, so sorry. After humiliating ourselves, we jump in the Traverse and venture on to the little Karoake bar, the only bar in town. It was rather funny hearing a guy counting how many there were of us. The looks we received were mixed and curious. I thought for sure, we were going to run into trouble. One young woman had ran into a tough time with other women, and frowned upon us entering the bar. There were a couple of times that made me think of Sweet Home Alabama as well. I listened to the locals Karoake and ran when it was our turn to sing, we were completely awful. But some took the fall, kudos to you. It was a small bar and yet when the gals scattered, it was hard to keep up with them. When it was time to go, I admit I was ready (not normal for me), but some didn't want to go. Finally, all loaded up and traveling back to the cabin, some crashed instantly as others (including me), were still wound up and very giggly and chatty.
I was the last to crash, I wanted to write. By four a.m. I went up to bed. I really couldn't sleep, there was just too much excitement. When I heard someone stir, I jumped out of bed (8a.m.) and tried to make coffee. My brain just doesn't function that well in the morning. It was too light and I was embarrassed, how could I not know how to make coffee? I used to make it everyday, darn Tassimo spoiled me. I did run off and get a little alone time to brainstorm on some thoughts I had. It was a wonderful break from reality and I wish I could stay at least another day.

I'm so ready to go back to the cabin and breathe that fresh crisp morning air and snuggle in a blanket on the wooden bench on the deck staring out across the lake and over at the coloring trees.

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