Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Gift of Giving

I woke up, yawning dreading the day, as the weather's supposed to be horrible. I received a call that normally I would frown upon, but this morning it was a dream come true. I would have my four year old son with me on Christmas Eve. Oh how chipper I became, jumping into the shower and singing "Have a holly jolly christmas..." Be thrilled you weren't here to hear it. I dressed excitedly and then changed back into my pajamas as my son rubbed his eyes walking towards me. I swept him up into my arms and held him tight kissing him on the cheek and singing to him. He giggled and joined me as I began "Jingle Bells". I said, Trenton, today we are staying in our jammies and going shopping. Boy, you would have thought the sun burst out with eighty degree weather. "Yea," he says and jumps down out of my arms and straight to the fridge. Chocolate Strawberry milk and an omelet being served. He ate it all, very shocking I might add, and said "Let's go let's go let's go!" As I put on my shoes I began telling him my little idea. A little gift for everyone to go along with the gift I had already gotten them. I'd tell you more about it, but they may read this blog and find out what I'm doing. Hee hee, I'm being devious as always, though I doubt they suspect. Back to the story. As I tell him my plan he starts telling me he's going to buy a really big gift for one of my very best friends and then of course his friends should get another gift too.
I sat him on my lap and said "Honey, that's so sweet, but we've already exchanged gifts with them and Mommy doesn't have much money to buy those bigger gifts right now. We're just adding something small." We hug and he walks into his room. I thought he was putting on his shoes until I heard the jingle jangle of his Monster truck money bank. Before I could say a thing he walked in with his wallet full of change and handed it to me.
"Mommy I don't have a pocket."
"No worries, I have my purse, but Trenton, why do you need this?"
"You can use my money to buy the gifts."
"Oh honey, you don't have to do that, why don't you put your money back in your bank."
"No, I want to help."
I had to give in to the battle as he is a bit stubborn like me, but I'm not arguing with a four year old. I thought I would cry at this point, because my precious little boy wasn't stingy with his money, that he was willing to spend every dime on somebody else. The gift of giving...
In the end after he fought me about using his money, he forgot about it. And it's suggled back into his money bank.

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