Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Turning Tables

Why is it that when the tables are turned, you aren't greeted respectfully?

It is very sad that my son, who is five years old, experienced his parents separating. Even worse that he had to deal with many potential step-moms in the first four months of the split. But when my ex finally chose to settle with one, my son was the first to tell me. He loved her from the start and that made me happy. Don't get me wrong, I was extremely jealous that my son found another woman to draw pictures for and to share hot chocolate with. It seems things I held close hoping was just ours, he now shared with her. He began loving her and doing things with her, ready to see her every weekend. I became just mom. I dealt with it and never let him see that it hurt me. As long as he is happy, I can live with it.

The point I am trying to make is that I finally found someone that I am deeply in love with and I introduced my son to him. My son loves spending time with my new beau and begs for him to come over every night. (Another reason I could be jealous, though I am not.) He mentioned him once to his father and felt his father's wrath. How do I know this? My son told me. And I believe him because of the very sad look on his face.
He said, "Oh no. I won't mention you or 'boyfriend" anymore. Daddy gets mad."
Wow. Should a child really have to hide what he enjoys when his father has already married another? I don't think so.

It's too bad there are people in this world who want to punish the one who left them. Not caring that they are hurting the children stuck in the middle. It is not their fault and they should be able to express themselves freely.

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