Friday, June 1, 2012

The Morning of the Wedding Day

At first, I thought I heard rain drops against the window pane. My restless eyelids flew open and I looked across the room toward the window. Whew... no rain. Just a beautiful sunrise accompanying the heavy winds raging outside. It was merely a tree branch tapping the glass. Giggling, I stretched my arms out and yawned. In less than twelve hours, I would marry my handsome cowboy. The man who opened my eyes to trust and commitment. Most of all, to love. How surprising that I should be wide eyed and bushy tailed with the restlessness of the night before. Every detail of this day overplayed it's part in my mind. And yet, it didn't feel possible that this day was finally here. My heart raced with excitement. Jubilant yet yearning to be in the arms of my soul mate, I waited patiently for the busy day to begin. At six am, not a soul was around me to help the day progress. I wanted to call the love of my life, but I refrained.He would still be asleep. Or would he be just like me, restless and anxious? I closed my eyes tight and tried to coax myself back to sleep. It was no use. I turned on the television and watched the movie playing. It was a sweet corny romance about true love. Something to keep me entertained until the house awakened.

By the time the movie ended, the house stirred. Little bodies came in to see if I was awake and giggled running away. It's now eight am and there is nine hours left. I turned to another movie and waited for my best friend to come into the living room and join me. I thought of tasks ahead and hoped that my fiancee would remember to pick up the flowers, knowing he wouldn't forget because that's not like him.

My phone rang and it was my mother excitedly talking about the wedding. Telling me that my fairy tale day was finally here. I believe I have been in this fairy tale for the last two years. Today is the end of the fairy tale but the beginning of the happiness forever after.

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