Friday, June 8, 2012

Unnecessary Stuff

Today... it's time to clean the house. Not just a simple every day clean. But time to go through each room and decide if the "stuff" is worth keeping. In two years, the accumulation of "stuff" is quite outrageous. It's time to figure out how to downsize all the unnecessary "stuff" that grew over night.

Starting with the closets was the easiest. Purses, shoes, clothing, belts, blankets, and tons of odds and ends were packed tight into any open space or shelf. That's not even touching the children's closets. Their closets were filled with toys and books that haven't been acknowledged in some time. Layer by layer the closet became empty, or so it seemed. Let's just say after two hours one closet is done. It's nice and tidy and only half of the contents are back in place. If only it could stay that way!

Moving on to the children's rooms took just as long. With all the unnecessary "stuff" packed inside, finding a box for the outgrown clothes and toys wasn't too bad of a chore. But there were many boxes needed. Hopefully they won't notice what is missing before the big sale. And hopefully they won't notice then.

Today's society has too much unnecessary "stuff." It's time to cut out the less desired items and enjoy what is truly worth keeping. It's a time to limit buying what will just sit in the back of the closet for years to come. This is the goal. It will be tough but it's worth a shot!

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