Thursday, January 24, 2013

Believing In Dreams

What is it about dreams that keeps you yearning for more? What is it about dreams that give you a glimpse of the future and yet does it really? How can you deny de ja vous? How can we tell if its part of our future or just a wishful moment?

My husband and I tend to differ on what our dreams mean. He believes it's just our subconscious working overtime and yet he cannot deny that some of his dreams gave him a glimpse of his future. One happened to be me. He had a dream right before he married his blonde girlfriend of three years that she wouldn't be his wife. Another woman with long brunette hair stood at the alter with him. He never understood it at the time. Many years later, I became his wife and it clicked in his mind. Yet again, that all depends on your interpretation.
I don't believe that all dreams stand for something to come. However, I do believe that our good Lord above sends me answers through my dreams.
I dreamed of a baby boy before I knew I was pregnant. I never went to see what I was having and I dreamed that he was a boy throughout my pregnancy. Today, I have a precious seven year old son. I dreamed about each of my pregnancies as I became pregnant and I also dreamed of the miscarriages right before they happened.
About fifteen years ago, I dreamed of coming home on a Greyhound bus from a vacation wearing my red sweats and feeling weary. I laughed. Several months later and after a two week vacation in Key West, the car broke down and I found myself on a Greyhound bus wearing my red sweats.
That's just a few moments in my life that something has stimulated through my dreams. I have regular occurrences. So many times it has sent me warning and when I acknowledge it, I understand.Perhaps because I feel I am close to God that theses dreams happen. Perhaps it's the Nezperce or Cherokee Indian in my blood. All I know is that I believe messages come through dreams just as well as through the mail, phone and/or email. I cannot deny that most of our dreaming is just our subconscious working overtime. Sometimes though, it has truth either plain to see or hidden deep inside them. I love waking up and trying to analyze what my dreams may mean.

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