Friday, January 18, 2013

With a glass of sweet tea in her hand, she walked out onto the deck and sat in her favorite chair to watch the sun hide behind the trees. Her favorite time of night was when the wind began to chill and leaves swirled straight up in front of her and then scattered across the yard. The dry air begged for moisture though there hadn't been any in over a year. Sweat beads formed over her entire body as she sat waiting for the sun to lower. What she would give for a break from the smoldering summer heat. She closed her eyes and wondered if the rain would ever fall again. She dreamed of the wet drops soaking through her clothes and hair as she danced through the rain with thunder booming overhead. She giggled. A darkness fell over her closed eyes and she immediately opened them and smiled. A humungous dark cloud had rolled across the sky covering the sun with a promise of rain. She hoped this time the cloud would not tease her. The winds picked up and she shivered. The wind grew colder and blew harder by each minute that passed by. The cloud seemed to be making good on its promise. The sun peeked out from behind the cloud and the warmth returned. Disappointed, she looked up at the sky with a pleading look in her eyes. Another cloud rolled across the sky hiding the sun. Within minutes the entire sky grew dark and a beautiful array of pinks, blues, and purples ran along the horizon. The winds picked up speed and she heard a soft rumble. The rumble grew louder but still a serene sound. A wet drop hit her arm. She couldn't believe it. And then another smacked her forehead. She stood up and a rush of drops covered her instantly. She ran out in the yard laughing as the rain poured down on her. She danced merrily as the thunder gained a deeper voice. Lightning struck a tree near by and she ran onto the deck quickly. The storm grew with intensity bringing hail stones the size of golf balls to beat upon anything it felt. She ran for cover inside the log cabin house. The lights went out. She shrieked! She blindly reached for the wall and found her way into the bathroom and felt for the candle on the counter. She felt for the drawer and opened it, fumbling to find the lighter. Finding it, she lit the candle and carefully walked into the living room as to not spill the candle wax onto the hardwood floor. She sat watching the storm through the flickering candle light until she fell sound asleep.

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