Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Interview Lyana Jo style

Many questions have been asked and I am ready to answer a few.

Why do I write?

I write because I enjoy it. It doesn't matter what I write just that I get a chance to speak and I have lots to say. Being blessed with an imagination also keeps me writing.

What inspired me to write a novel?

That has always been my lifelong dream: to be able to share my ideas and create an imaginary world with realistic characters, even if not everyone (and not everyone will) enjoy my writing.

Why did I choose a vampire tale?

Good question! It never crossed my mind that I should write a vampire tale. I had always loved vampire tales, especially Anne Rice's Vampire Lestat and had watched many vampire movies since I was a child.
I had been trying to write a horror novel (Stephen King was my inspiration!) prior to writing Gabriela Whitley: The Rise of the Kingdom, but I couldn't get my ideas organized and I couldn't visualize where the story would end up. At another point, I chose to write my life story. But, I just couldn't get into it. Not at that point. Perhaps soon, I'll find the desire again.
My sister talked me into reading a vampire series because she absolutely loved it. Apparently, the world was speaking about it. Finally, I decided to try it and after reading the series I didn't agree with the writer's thoughts. As I sat thinking about it, an idea popped into my mind and I sat down to write. Once I started writing, the words flowed onto the paper until I had a complete rough draft, which took less than two months. I didn't realize how easy it was to let my imagination go until I tried.

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