Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Special Breed

A close friend of mine once told me that it would take a very special breed of man to satisfy me and love me. I didn't believe her, though I searched for him. It was when I quit looking that I found him. And funny enough, I wasn't interested in any relationship because I had found myself and was content. I pushed him away and he walked out of my life at that very moment.
"What am I doing?!" I shouted out. I realized I was making the biggest mistake of my life. I am not sure just what it was that enthralled me, but I had to make amends and quick.

I begged him to talk to me and that is unusual for me. However, I am one who needs closure. If it was meant to be the end of us, I wanted him to tell me in person. But he was a stubborn one. It took an entire day to get him to respond to me. But thankfully only minutes to get him to meet me. Now we are inseparable and I thank the good Lord daily for bringing him into my life. We are a one of a kind love and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Thank you Lord for the gifts in my life.

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