Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Change Of Seasons

If you could control the weather, would you change it?

One of the greatest things about Kansas is the crazy weather. One day it's sixty and beautiful and then the storms move in creating tornado warnings. The next day the temperatures have dropped with the North winds moving in and it's going to snow? Oh boy!

Kansas does experience all four seasons and I love every one of them for one reason or another. Let's start with winter. Though it gets bitter cold, the snow is beautiful as it falls. It gives us a chance to snuggle up with a loved one and our children and drink hot chocolate by the fireplace. We can make snow angels and snowmen. And what about snowball fights! I am the first one to grab a handful of snow and pack it in tight. If you turn your back to me, I will aim for your tush and most likely hit it.

Then spring comes. The light pitter patter of rain drops and the low rumble of thunder is a wonderful sound to wake up or fall asleep to. The first bud on a tree and the green grass that starts to come up from a winter's sleep. Then the beautiful flowers that blossom, giving little boys a chance to pick a rose for a special little girl.

Summer is all of fun fun fun! Who doesn't love to play in the sprinklers in their swim suits or shorts. Let's dive in and take a swim and play volleyball across the pool. Fresh fruit and plenty of fresh lemonade for everyone. The sun stays out until almost nine every evening and there's no school.

Fall. Fall is my favorite time of year. The trees turn from green to yellow, orange, red and then to brown. We rake up the leaves that fall to ground and jump into them creating a Kodak moment. You can wear shorts in the day and change into pants and a light jacket in the evening. The misty humid rain slowly turns chilly and campfires are ready to begin again.

So would I change the weather? No. Mother nature is amazing and I think that one season could get boring quickly no matter how perfect it is.

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