Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cycle Rush

Today I taught my first fifteen minutes of cycle to a class of about fifteen people. I told myself after a sleepless night that it would be a piece of cake and that I knew this group so... no fear. Yes I said this and then they entered the cycle room. I sat down on the bike, getting myself ready, and I felt the first rush of oh my gosh what am I doing up here? I shook it off and began the workout. My entire body felt like it was shaking. I continued to smile. In this class we have comedians and thank goodness for them. It helped a little to laugh.
By the end of the first song, only my head and arms trembled and I felt a little more at ease. I made it through one song let's try number two. By the end of the second song my nerves had calmed. I relaxed into a rhythm and felt my confidence building. Another song done and here we go with the next. After the third song I knew I would be fine. The fourth song I had taught to the training class and I had a great time with it. The fourth song was my final song and when it ended, I happily took off the microphone.
They clapped and told me I did a good job. I smiled, pleased that I kept on cue throughout all four songs. Suddenly, my whole world changed. Nausea hit me and my head started pounding. I was relieved that I hadn't eaten prior to class because I most likely would have vomited.

So all I can say is Wow! What a rush! I can't wait to get up there and teach again!

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