Monday, January 10, 2011

Date Night

I snuggled up on the couch with my honey and watched Date Night. This is one of the funniest movies I have seen in such a long time.

I have to admit when Mark Wahlberg opens the door without a shirt, I drooled. Who wouldn't?! Of course my honey noticed and said I could start working out and have pecks like that. If that would make his confidence arise, more the power to him. But then I would be right alongside him in the gym toning up my stomach until I had that six-pack we all dream of having. But honestly, it's not worth it in the end. I like him just the way he is. I want to enjoy working out and toning up but not worry constantly about my appearance. And he looks great!

I believe everyone, if they have the desire, should take some time and exercise just to raise those endorphins because it makes you happier. It's not about being thin or built. It's about feeling better about yourself.
Besides, I don't really want every woman staring at my man. I mean if they do, okay. I'll just make sure I kiss him and stay close so they know who landed that hunk.

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