Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Friends For A Reason

Have you ever wondered why some people come into your life for a short time while others stay your entire lifetime?

I believe it's a time of need when most people come into your life. The times you need someone to pick you up when you have fallen or someone to show you that life is amazing. Maybe they are here just for special occasions. It's not that you mean to let them fade, but life presents it. You start a new job or they pick up a new hobby. Relationships end and new ones begin. You move across town and change schools. Once you have met these wonderful people, you remember them forever.

At point in my life, I had friends that came out of nowhere when I needed them the most. Though I didn't know at that point just how much I needed them. We had many girls night outs including rock band nights that lasted until sunrise or just sitting at a restaurant bar watching football games while talking about life and laughing so hard it brought tears to our eyes. There were gym partners as well as coffee or lunch dates. I also had friends who just wanted to dance. Then there were a couple of really good friends who lent their shoulder so I could cry. I would do the same for them at any hour of any day.

My life began to change for the better. I moved out of one house and into another. My son changed schools and I started a new job. Life began to get busy when I added a second class for my own schooling. Time was limited for friends when school began. And then I met someone special. My focus was hazy as I fell in love and my friends fell further back than I had meant.

Friends are friends for life and I think of my friends new and old often. I reminisce of the long rock band nights and the laughs over chips and salsa. I smile when I think about how much I have grown into a strong women because of their support. I know that we will be friends for life in my heart even if I don't see them again. Though I am sure that I will see them when Summer arrives.

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