Thursday, January 13, 2011

Finally Hitting Girlfriend Status

After five and a half months I sighed with relief when he says "You can be my girlfriend."
"Yay!" I said and gave him a quick kiss. He leaned in for another but his little girl stood watching so I shied away.

We have been steadily growing closer.Though we realized that everything felt right and that we could see forever, she didn't agree. Honestly, neither did my son.
Our children never had to worry about sharing their time with us. Even when all four of us were together we always kept our distance. Yet would sneak a kiss when they weren't paying attention. We didn't sit next to each other on the couch but kept them in the middle as we watched Scooby Doo. There were no sleepovers though they asked. We felt it best to slowly introduce this new life of ours. It was hard to see them go on many occasions, but it was appropriate. Then the day came for the first sleepover. They pulled out air mattresses and watched television until they fell asleep under his supervision. I retired upstairs to my room.
At this point, his daughter had made it very clear I was still only his best friend. My son however said that it was okay just no kissing. That was quite all right with me. Once his daughter caught wind that my son was fine with us being boyfriend and girlfriend, she caved.
She said "Okay, she can be your girlfriend. Now can we go to her house and play the Wii?"

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