Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snowy Day Fun

The frigid temperature didn't keep my warm and cheerful thoughts from flooding my mind. I love watching the snow fall while drinking hot chocolate near the fireplace. I'm ecstatic and can't wait to build a snowman. I encourage my son to bundle up.
"It's time to play in the snow!"
With a scarf, gloves, stocking cap and a huge coat, we head out to shovel the driveway.

I snicker as I gather snow in my gloves and turn to my son. I throw a snowball and laugh as it falls apart before it reaches him. The snow is too soft to build a snowman or have a snowball fight. Yet we gather snow for the snowman's base anyway.

I turn around when I hear him snicker. A shovel full of snow is heading my way and I am covered before I can move. I jump up laughing as I shake off the snow and chase after him. He laughs and throws the shovel down on the ground. I gather up snow in both hands and he runs as fast as he can while I chase him, throwing snow at his back. He loses his balance and falls into the snow face first and I slide to a stop falling down on my bottom. We can't stop laughing and decide it's time to make snow angels.

I love playing in the snow with my little guy.

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