Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Meeting the Family

It's amazing how relaxed I was when I met my boyfriend's wonderful family. I hadn't seen such a humble pair in quite some time and now I look at them dreaming that the day my son brings a girl home, which I'm really lucky that won't happen for at least fifteen years (I hope!), that I am as pleased and excited to meet her.

I was greeted with open arms and welcomed in this home as I stepped into the living room. My belly was kept well fed, over fed, and my smile never left my face. I enjoyed talks in the den and coffee in the dining room. I laughed and blushed from time to time, never feeling more at ease in such a long time.

My son was welcomed with coloring books and cars and he too felt overwhelmed by such a wonderful gesture. Sadly his excitement got the better of him and he became a bit aggravated when I gave some instruction. I apologized and hoped my frustration hadn't shown. They simply said, "Leanna it's all right" and tried to ease the tense moment.

When we were loading the car, my son cried. I looked at him and asked why he was so sad. He said, "I'm not ready to go home. I want to stay longer." I hugged him tight and told him we would return again soon. He smiled and hugged them goodbye and on the road we were once again returning home. I understood my son's feelings. I too, wished we didn't have to leave yet, though we enjoyed three wonderful days. I cannot wait to see them again.

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