Today is a special day for my little boy. It's his sixth birthday! This past weekend, I wanted to surprise him with a special birthday. (Who am I kidding, I do it every year!) This year would be the year he finally would celebrate at All Star Sports. He begged throughout the year to have his birthday party there. And I finally caved.
Three days before the party day I told him I had a birthday surprise for him.
"Yay! All Star Sports!" He shouts.
I couldn't believe he automatically assumed that's where we were going. That was just too easy! I replied with a sly smile, "No. I thought you told me you wanted a gymnastics party at the Y."
"No. Gymnastics is for girls mom."
"Oh, no. I'm sorry baby," I said looking glum. "It's too late to get a refund now."
He sighs. "It's okay mom. I will go to gymnastics."
He bought it. Hook, line and sinker.
At school, I made the mom's of his friends promise me not to say a thing. They stayed silent while telling me I was cruel. Whatever! It's going to be a surprise that will have him excited when he finds out. Also, a reason to remember how surprised he was in years to come. Cruel... nah. Ornery... yes.
Saturday arrives and he is still clueless. We hop in the car and his excitement is building. We drive by the sports place and he says, "Look they're open now."
"They are," I say smiling. "Let's drive in and see how long they're open."
He watches intently out the window at the huge building. I'm sure he's thinking about the go karts and arcade games inside. As we pull away from the front I see his smile slip away. He really wants this party. We pull into a stall next to the exit and he looks at me with curiosity.
"What if I told you you're birthday party is here," I said grinning.
He looked surprised.
I nodded.
"Yes!" He shouts looking up to the sky shaking his fists in the air. "Hooray!"
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