Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Cycle Reunion

Recently our cycle room has been under renovation. For five weeks I didn't teach a single cycle class. Though I did teach Pilates and Muscle Pump, it didn't compare to cycling. My feet never raced as fast as they could and I never felt the energy flow strong. I missed cycling. I couldn't wait for the doors to reopen. Many nights, I sat in front of my computer thinking of class designs. How to be a tougher instructor as I waited patiently. And then the day came. The Grand Opening was here and I felt excitement rush throughout my body. I had a game plan to go in and rock the class I taught. I had a vision of sweat dripping off the participants and I giggled with delight.

Finally the day arrived and I went over my notes. I wanted to make sure everything was in order. I wanted it to be perfect.
I grabbed the keys and unlocked the door to the cycle room. I played with the lights and turned on the fans. I sat down and put on my cycle shoes. A couple of participants walked in and I greeted them. My heart began to beat faster. The excitement was building in me as I searched for the microphone and plugged in my Ipod. I looked at the clock. Ten minutes until I teach. More people entered the cycle room. A mother and her daughter, two faces I hadn't seen, walked in and looked at the bike with curiosity. They were new to cycle. After setting up their bikes and chatting freely, I walked back to my bike and adjusted it to fit me. I looked at the clock. I was giddy, it was time to begin.
I took them through the mountains, climbing and climbing. Sweat pouring off me and my heart beating fast and hard. We were fifteen minutes into the class and I realized how out of shape I was. We had forty-five minutes left. I had to make this time move faster so I began telling stories and asking if they were ready for school to start. Finally half an hour had passed and my legs kept going. As I talked, time began to move faster. We climbed another mountain and back down. Fifteen minutes left and I knew we were going to make it to the end. I didn't remember sweating this much in a cycle class. I took off my hat. I glanced in the mirror wanting to laugh. My hair was matted to my forehead and I could feel the sweat trickling down my back. I was drenched by the end of class. It felt wonderful when we slowed down and stretched. They too looked relieved for the class to end. I smiled at them and they smiled back. It was a great ride.
After class I went home, changed into my pajamas, ate dinner and then laid on the couch. I was fast asleep.

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