Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cycle time

I am exhausted and there is no end in sight. I push myself harder but my aching legs are ready to give in. I want to cry out from the pain as it shoots from my calves, up passed my hamstrings, and still spiraling up and around to my quadriceps, but I clamp my jaw shut tight. I can't show weakness, not in here. I must keep going. Tiny beads of sweat are forming on my arms and perspiration is pouring from my hair, dripping down my forehead, along my cheeks and stinging my eyes. I grab my already drenched towel and rest it against my face.

The heat is thickening and the breeze is fading. I reach down for my water, and drink the last drop. Afraid to thirst, I look up at the clock, the end is in sight. I press harder on the pedals and close my eyes, pedaling faster ignoring the agony screaming from my muscles. Five more minutes and I try to push my legs, but they are exhausted. I release the resistance to my bike and my legs speed up and I lose control slightly, only to regain it quickly. Grabbing my towel once again to wipe my heated face while I begin the recovery cool down. I sigh, stretching with a smile. I did it. I accomplished an hour of cycle. I know I will feel it for a couple of days, but it is worth it as it heightens my mood.

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