Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Living In A Box

Though I could use this title as a metaphor, I'm going to use it literally.

For the last fifteen days, I've been packing up what isn't necessary for the big move into my new found independence. Have you ever realized how much time it takes to pack? I have only lived in this place for one year and have accumulated so much. Much more than I realized. I feel as though I'm not getting anywhere until I start looking for say the mixer. It's packed. Or a certain cookbook I haven't touched in three months.

With fifteen days left I am trying to figure out just what I don't need. I never realized how much stuff we use on a day to day basis and I'm thinking, maybe I should try going without. Like "rough it" so to speak. Though I'm sure it will still be a luxury to a lot of people.

We really do take things for granted. That's another post for another day...

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