Sunday, May 2, 2010


Dictionary: the refusal to admit the truth...

I believe that some of my friends believe I live in a world of denial. This would seem true since I am always positive and refuse to wear my emotions on my sleeve. But, I don't see it...

I can tell you of a soul that is in complete denial and I feel for that one. If they could only wake up and try to cope with what has happened, and what is not possible, then maybe they could find themselves climbing out of that deep dark hole and find out that there's life waiting for them.

A story...

A young girl fooled by the charm of her boyfriend runs away from home and marries him. The act of betrayal happens almost instantly when he beds with another woman. She ignores it as if it never happened because she's pregnant. Living in a lie for years only to keep her family together, smiling because of her children. Everyone knew he was an adulterer, but she turned her nose up believing her life couldn't get any better than what it was and that she was happy. She found herself reaching for the bottle of booze, pouring a single glass. At first just a couple nights a week and then every night. As the days went on she drank a second glass each night. After several months, she realized she was bitter and drinking her life away. Her children noticed it, and so did her husband who grew tired of her inability to pull herself together. She began to think, maybe it would be better to leave. To find peace within her. And so she did. The End.

In the end, we all wake up from denial. But at what risk? There's the poor souls who think that without their mate they have no chance at happiness and take their lives. Or turn to the bottle, which I have done a time or two in my life.

We don't have to drown ourselves in self pity. We have to open our eyes and see the beauty life has to offer. I am at peace with my soul now, and only wish I had done this years prior.

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