Friday, March 5, 2010

Bunko Night

Yes, here it is Bunko night!

I'm excited to go indulge in very tasty treats and of course the wine. Tonight we sit and talk about everything and yet nothing, laughing and having a great time. Twelve women who just need a good laugh.

Tonight was no different. There are a couple of us who usually have a glass too many. I'm always one. I'm loud even when I'm not drinking which makes it hard to tell if the wine is related. I would say most times, yes. However, last night, I was already in a great mood. the wine did hit faster. And I made it a fun competitive time for me and the girls stuck at the table with me.

I don't remember hardly any of our conversations, because I talked about the dice! But I know it was a great time. Next month we will do it again and I cannot wait!