Saturday, March 20, 2010

An Unusual Date

She stares in the mirror touching up her makeup when the doorbell rings. She takes a last glimpse at herself. She's wearing a purple and black swirled blouse and a pairs of blue jeans along with black pumps. She holds her breath and the butterflies swarm in her stomach as she walks slowly towards the door. This was their first date and she didn't know what to expect. She exhales as she grabs the handle and opens the door. To her surprise he is dressed down in a ripped t-shirt and dirty sagging jeans. She smiles, trying not to show her disappointment as she grabs her purse and jacket. Her understanding was dinner and a few drinks, now she's uncomfortable wishing she could just go back in and change. She walks towards a motorcycle and shakes her head with a smirk, hoping once again he doesn't notice her disappointment.

Conversation at dinner was comfortable, turning the evening around and when they left they find themselves at a bar on the patio, laughing. She finds the chemistry has lost it's luster and is ready for the night to end. She feels she has made a new friend but nothing more.

Arriving at her house he leans in for a kiss and she backs away, giggling. She sees his disappointment as they say goodbye. Relieved to be home she kicks her shoes off and laughs. "What a night."

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