Sunday, March 7, 2010

Stepping out of the Box

A hard rock girl for years finds herself tempted to take a chance and visit a country bar. She was out of her element from the beginning, afraid to take a turn on the dance floor. It seemed simple enough, just one, two, and one. She wanted to try, and many times she declined to dance.
As she watched the couples glide along the dance floor, she noticed something she hadn’t before…
Her eyes focused on an older couple as they danced by her. They smiled, holding onto each other, singing, while they spun around the dance floor. They were happy. They were in love and they were dancing with each other. The song wasn’t slow, and it wasn’t sexy. It was upbeat and straight up country.
This made her think. She looked around the club and many couples sat together enjoying each other’s company waiting on the next song. There was something romantic about it. She sighed, realizing maybe just maybe, she wanted that dance. Maybe she wanted that partner, the one who would dance and sing with her until the close of the night, lost in each other’s eyes and laughing.
It didn’t stop there. Copperhead Road came on and almost everyone rushed onto the dance floor. She shrugged, stood up and walked bravely to learn the line dance. She loved line dancing in other forms of music, how hard could it be. It took the whole song but she learned it. She laughed. She was amazed. She was having fun. She was no longer afraid to try her turn on the floor. The next time a hat tipped in front of her asking for a dance, she jumped up. At first, she stepped on toes, but she didn't give up. She continued to try and learned she loved it. She found herself on the dance floor the rest of the night, laughing, learning twists and turns, loving every line dance, including the Watermelon Crawl, never wanting to stop dancing.
She knew she would take the chance again and she looked forward to it.

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